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Antony and Cleopatra



Antony and Cleopatra shown here during their golden years together. Antony was now living in Egypt with Cleopatra, and was the King consort to the Egyption Queen. They both hold the staves of ruling from upper and lower Egypt that a Pharaoh holds, one in each hand. Here showing their devotion, Antony and Cleopatra intimately holding each other, each hold one of these ruling staves, reaching out together over their beloved land of Egypt.

Apart from being used as Game art for Aristocrat, the company also used this art (with some printed foil adjustments and seasons greetings) as their Christmas card for 2005.

The history map link in my scraps is here:

Art by Jozef Szekeres, Copyright belongs to Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Limited.
Used with Permission.
Image size
2083x1500px 1.5 MB
© 2006 - 2024 Jozef-Szekeres
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Their relationship certainly started as a necessary alliance, Egypt being the main producer of grain in the Mediterranean and Rome, and Marcus Antonius protecting the interest of Rome (as well as a valuable ally to take power in Rome) in the East.

I wonder if they still ended up really loving each-other tho ?

Anyway, nice depiction of the couple with Cleopatra leading a subjugated Antonius across the ruins of Egypt's past glory.